I always sort-of liked the idea of meditation, but for most of my life I experienced meditation as something to try out now and then. And yes I got that it was good for me, and I understood that doing it more often is better than only once in a while, but I was completely blind to the sheer transformative power that meditation can sometimes have.
Deep meditation – and it can take some practice – brings your brain waves down from Beta, to Alpha and Theta and possibly even down to Delta which would normally only happen in very deep dreamless sleep. But while you’re meditating, you’re not quite sleeping and your experience of these low frequency brain states can be a lot clearer than during regular sleep.
(Daily guided meditation – FREE)
Combined with the transition into lower brain states, if your mind also finds a place of deep comfort and safety, that’s where “magic” can happen. In that safe space, when your mind decides that it can “let go”, you can be taken on an incredibly healing journey.
I am sharing with you the story of a friend who attends our meditation sessions regularly, and an inner experience that he had.
What is the significance of having an experience like this? Is it just a dream? Is there some kind of a “higher power” involved delivering a message? Is it tapping into a “collective consciousness”?
Those questions can really only be answered by having the experience yourself, and finding your own meaning in it. But what IS empirically true, is that every cell in your body will submit to the experience created in your brain as if it’s truth. In this experience your whole body was there, on the bridge viscerally experiencing the blue water flowing beneath.
This is the tranformative power of meditation, and it can bring healing, in an instant!
Please enjoy the story 🙂
(Have you considered private coaching?)
“… he lead me over that bridge to a new land… “
Hello brother , I wanted to share my experience with you the other morning when I was doing your guided meditation on FB.
Incrementally I have been feeling more grounded and more at ease. I knew the meditation was helping but I never realized how much until the other day.
I’m happy for you to share this message with others if you think they can find benefit in it
You see I am at the crossroads in my life and battling to keep it together, my story is a long one so I won’t get into it here and it’s not relevant to what I have to share. All you need to know is that I was struggling in my financial side and in my personal relationships and this lockdown was not doing much to help with my past trauma of abandonment. I reached a point where I did not have the confidence or presence of mind to know if I could get through this period of , let’s call it depression without enlisting the help of a specialist (Dr) and possibly medication.
On to the meditation, I was or am in the middle of a program of self healing from Trauma of abandonment and self sabotage The course is given by a clinical psychologist called Susan Andrews (highly recommend)…anyways. That morning during the meditation we where guided by you Pierre, to breathe in and fill our bellies
You suggested we put a hand on our tummies to feel the expanse as we breathed in deep and hold it I used my right hand as usual and in my minds eyes that was the “doing hand” , the Adult part of my psyche, and he was giving comfort to my Inner Child or so I imagined.
See I’ve been engaging my Adult self and actively working on turning my life around and giving comfort to my Inner child that I had neglected for so long. As I lifted my hand and placed it on my tummy I recognized that me holding it there was the only part of my body not relaxed and it brought to mind how much and how hard my Adult self was working without a rest all this time during my therapy.
So what I did is I placed my Left hand over my right hand so they could both kinda rest on my tummy in a hammock type arrangement. As I place my left hand over my right and gripped it firmly but at the same time gently , I was made aware of another presence that my therapy never mentioned. It felt like me but stronger , wiser almost with a knowing of the future It was my higher self
As I drew in breath after breath I felt my higher self taking me by the hand and leading down a path I could see it clear as day the colour and width of the path the clearing ahead …all of it I was being led and for the first time in a long time I did not have the responsibility or the somewhat forced effort to making and carrying out the right decision.
He brought me to a river , and the water was flowing bright blue There in our path appeared a small wooden bridge I had never encountered a river and a bridge in any of my visualizations of me walking on a path. Hand in hand he lead me over that bridge to a new land, a place I had not been to before.
In that moment all my emotions came flooding up like a warm spring and I gushed tears of bitter-sweet joy I cried from the most vulnerable part of me and it was so cathartic, sincere and freeing. I knew in that moment that I was going to be ok, I was going to make it and that I had reached the precipice of my journey.
It’s been 4 days now since that experience and it seems my pain body , the emotional pain I was feeling has lifted I cant explain it but everything looks different now. I’m able to get joy out of things that had for some time lost their flavour I have clarity and feel so much more grounded I know this will last and I am sure I don’t need to see a Dr …I’m on a new road now and the possibilities in my life seem endless. I have embraced a loving universe and the concept of abundance.
Thank you for helping me on my journey brother Much love
— Anonymous