Loving yourself despite your old choices, is the foundation for making better decisions in future.

A message from today's meditation: In search of some words of wisdom to share for this morning's meditation, I came across this beautiful quote on self acceptance - "There is something wonderfully bold and liberating about saying yes to our entire imperfect and messy life." - Tara Brach And seeing that the theme for Friday … Continue reading Loving yourself despite your old choices, is the foundation for making better decisions in future.

Trust the wholeness that is already there.

Today's journey starts with a quote from the Bhagavad Gita: "Through meditation, the higher self is experienced." That higher-self, is the part of us that is deeply connected to spirit, soul, source... or whatever other label you might put on it. For many of us, our "higher-self" is an aspect that we have very little … Continue reading Trust the wholeness that is already there.

You can train your brain to support your NEW beliefs.

Our subconscious holds what I like to call a "recording" of the past. Our whole body understands this recording as “truth”, because these are the things that, in fact, we lived through. And so like a well-worn record, the meaning we’ve made in the past - the dots we’ve connected subconsciously - are played on … Continue reading You can train your brain to support your NEW beliefs.

Your heart has been beating for you since before you were born, and you don’t need to know much more than that to fall madly in love with YOU!

I want you to take a moment to put everything down. Take a deep breath, and as you exhale let everything you’ve been carrying around for the last few days fall. For the moment make your heart the sole focus of your attention, think of nothing else but your heart. Place your hands over your … Continue reading Your heart has been beating for you since before you were born, and you don’t need to know much more than that to fall madly in love with YOU!

“Where to take action” and “where to let go” is not always easy to know.

The structure of today’s meditation follows “The Serenity Prayer”. Since I was a child this prayer has always felt really powerful to me, like a roadmap for navigating life's challenges. Almost like everything I need to know could be accessed through these three simple lines: God grant me the serenity to accept the things that … Continue reading “Where to take action” and “where to let go” is not always easy to know.

I now choose to see myself as the Universe sees me – perfect, whole, and complete.

We look up at a majestic tree, and we easily find ourselves filled with a sense of awe… And when we pick a flower, and hold it between our fingers, we often experience an equal sense of awe and wonder... For this beautiful flower, and for that majestic tree this is their one and only … Continue reading I now choose to see myself as the Universe sees me – perfect, whole, and complete.

The beliefs that you decide to cultivate from today, will shape your tomorrow.

The only thing holding you back, are the thoughts that you have about yourself. I want you to really get this, there is nothing else standing in your way but the way that you see yourself, however here's the real mindf#@k! The way you see yourself doesn’t even belong to you, you inherited it… all … Continue reading The beliefs that you decide to cultivate from today, will shape your tomorrow.

Be serious about what you’re creating – but don’t take YOURSELF so seriously.

Hey! Happy Monday! We are stepping into a new week. We are stepping onto a brand new canvas with a brush in our hand and every action we take this week will be recorded as a brush stroke of our creative expression. What will your creation look like by the end of this week? Our … Continue reading Be serious about what you’re creating – but don’t take YOURSELF so seriously.

You’ll remember what you are… and that there are things you know… always knew.

There is wisdom in you!  Have you ever had a feeling, deep in your gut, that you knew something to be true, even without logic or explanation?  Perhaps a moment of sudden clarity or a powerful intuition that guided you in the right direction? That, my friend, is the voice of your inner wisdom whispering … Continue reading You’ll remember what you are… and that there are things you know… always knew.

It’s not healing that makes you whole… It’s becoming whole that makes you heal.

We all carry wounds, big or small, that leave their mark on our hearts and minds. The path to healing often feels like a long and arduous journey, filled with the hope of someday becoming whole again. But what if the answer to wholeness lies not in waiting for some miraculous healing to happen, but … Continue reading It’s not healing that makes you whole… It’s becoming whole that makes you heal.