Practice is the key that unlocks the chest.

Imagine a chest overflowing with the priceless gems of knowledge, and wisdom. It sits within you, ready to be opened, yet it remains locked and inaccessible. The key to this treasure lies not in any external force providing you the solution. The key to this chest is practice… the gentle, consistent practice of self-discovery. This … Continue reading Practice is the key that unlocks the chest.

Finding true freedom from your fears.

Our greatest sense of dis-ease, often comes from expecting ourselves to "be" only one way, like always "be"-ing happy or always "be"-ing positive - and then being very disappointed with ourselves when we find ourselves "being" in ways we don't want to "be". But being human means that we do experience our "selves" in a … Continue reading Finding true freedom from your fears.

Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear.

When we talk about fear, or listen to talks about overcoming fear, and hear that everything we've ever wanted is on the other side of fear - it often sounds like the ways to overcome our fears are things like jumping out of an airplane or diving with sharks! But let's be real, most of … Continue reading Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear.

He doesn’t need punishment, he needs help.

We’re starting today’s journey with two quotes from Thich Nhat Hanh that seem to look in two different directions. The first looks outward and the second looks inward. "When another person makes you suffer, it is because he is suffering deeply within himself, and his suffering is spilling over. He does not need punishment; he … Continue reading He doesn’t need punishment, he needs help.

My wish for you is freedom!

We've all heard the old saying, "know thyself." But what does it mean to truly know oneself? Some parts of ourselves are easy to know, normally the parts of our personality that we enjoy. Perhaps who we are when we’re with friends, perhaps our sense of humour or our accomplishments. But then there are almost … Continue reading My wish for you is freedom!

This journey of life is about realizing our inherent wholeness.

Today's wisdom from Renae Sauter speaks about your connection to your "self". How do you understand your connection to your SELF? "The journey to more self love is often a quiet and long road. One without cheerleaders or confetti. Just you and your strong inner conviction to do things differently. There are both triumphs and … Continue reading This journey of life is about realizing our inherent wholeness.

On self-sabotage.

For a moment let’s talk about “self-sabotage”. The nature of my work requires regular conversations about this topic which I think is an unfortunate label. The term self-sabotage means that a person is deliberately getting in their own way. That there is a part of their personality that doesn’t want them to be successful, and … Continue reading On self-sabotage.

You are SO much stronger than you’ve ever known!

No-one can do for you what you can do for you. No-one can hold a space for your hurt, like you can do for you. No-one can sit with your fear, like you can do for you. No-one can make you whole, like your own acceptance does for you. Yet these tend to be the … Continue reading You are SO much stronger than you’ve ever known!

Very well then, I contradict myself – I contain multitudes!

Walt Whitman once wrote, "Do I contradict myself? Very well then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes." Whitman encapsulates this truth beautifully. Each of us is a universe unto ourselves, a multitude of thoughts, emotions, and beliefs, that often contradict each other in harmonious dissonance. Some of our thoughts and feelings become … Continue reading Very well then, I contradict myself – I contain multitudes!

When you change the way you see yourself, EVERYTHING changes.

We see the world through the lens of how we view ourselves, in fact you can test this by becoming aware of how often your sub-conscious asks the question, “what does this say about me?” When you’re trying to park and you accidentally bump the curb, when a cashier disrespects you, when your child throws … Continue reading When you change the way you see yourself, EVERYTHING changes.

The most intimate relationship you will ever have, is with your own inner dialogue.

In the noisy world that we live in, is it possible to find a clear voice to listen to? Something that is clearly distinguishable from the cacophony that is permanently on full blast? On this matter, even ancient teachings which came from an arguably less noisy time, directed us to find that clear voice within … Continue reading The most intimate relationship you will ever have, is with your own inner dialogue.

The ice cannot resist the melting.

Mooji’s words might just be the most beautiful description of doing "inner work" that I've ever come across. It's natural for any of us to look at our own "worst" qualities and want that to change, but when we judge or punish ourselves for it, we engage in an inner war. And while this might … Continue reading The ice cannot resist the melting.

Talking to ourselves harshly comes quite naturally, yet it seems ‘weird’ to deliberately talk to ourselves in a positive way.

Have you ever wondered how we can create a world in which people judge and criticise each other less? How do we move closer to a world in which we all allow one another to be human?  That’s a tall order right? But could we at least see a starting point? How would we start … Continue reading Talking to ourselves harshly comes quite naturally, yet it seems ‘weird’ to deliberately talk to ourselves in a positive way.

We just have to learn how to get turned on by humanness.

REALNESS - being real, this really lights me up! I don't think that I was always like this, but something changed for me at some point in my own journey when I came to a deeper understanding of what it means to be human. It's messy! We were conceived in a messy puddle of human … Continue reading We just have to learn how to get turned on by humanness.

This brings an end to the inner war. This creates true inner freedom.

What does the road look like towards finding peace from internal conflict? Do we need “difficult” emotions to disappear, so that we can be free from those experiences? Or do we need to find a different way to understand our inner world?  Jeff Foster suggests no more wrestling with negative thoughts or desperately trying to … Continue reading This brings an end to the inner war. This creates true inner freedom.

Your inner child could be set free, or become a ball and chain that forever drags you down. 

We all carry within us a piece of childhood – a playful, curious, and sometimes wounded younger self. This "inner child" isn't just a metaphor; it's a very real aspect of our emotional landscape. Often, in the pursuit of strength and maturity, we neglect this vulnerable part. In our quest for "adulting," we push down … Continue reading Your inner child could be set free, or become a ball and chain that forever drags you down. 

If you resist anger, you are always angry. If you resist sadness, you are always sad.

I LOVE Adyashanti’s ability to create a very simple understanding from what can feel so complicated and messy. You'd really do yourself a favour to do a search of his work and just read through some of his thoughts. "Whatever you resist you become. If you resist anger, you are always angry. If you resist … Continue reading If you resist anger, you are always angry. If you resist sadness, you are always sad.

If your compassion does not include yourself, it is incomplete.

Compassion or, the importance of having compassion is a familiar melody in personal growth circles. Even so, self-compassion seems to remain an undeveloped skill. Not because we don’t try, but if our “shortcomings” were treated harshly while we grew up, then it’s likely that we struggle having acceptance for ourselves unless we’re being “perfect”.  "If … Continue reading If your compassion does not include yourself, it is incomplete.

Messy and also beautiful.

There is a beautiful paradox to being human. We are a glorious tapestry woven with vibrant threads of strength, resilience, and love, and also… among these vibrant threads there are undeniably threads of imperfection, insecurities, and occasional stumbles, inseparable from the woven whole. The question is whether the value of the tapestry is increased or … Continue reading Messy and also beautiful.

When you’re acting from your soul, discipline becomes obvious.

You are in a process of remembering - remembering who you really are. In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it's easy to lose sight of who we truly are. We get caught up in the whirlwind of responsibilities, expectations, and societal norms, forgetting the essence of our being. But amidst this chaos, … Continue reading When you’re acting from your soul, discipline becomes obvious.

All are welcome here, none will be left behind.

Our teacher this week is Jaiya John, and it always amazes me how I can fall deeply in love with his work again and again after I've been away from it for a while. "Your life is three truths: How you treat others. How you treat yourself. And how you allow yourself to be treated." … Continue reading All are welcome here, none will be left behind.